Public employment is a public trust and any effort to obtain personal gain is a violation of that trust
When hundreds of OS citizens attend meetings in protest of a proposed vote for multiple versions of an Urban Renewal Plan (URP) and the Board of Aldermen vote for them in contradiction of the peoples' will, one would ask why? These development plans seem to be created by the mayor. The aldermen say publicly that they are not included in the revision process. Who is driving this? Does the mayor work for the people or the developers? Maybe this will shed some light on the subject: South MS mayor pushes tourism while striking personal real estate deals with developers
Any one serving as mayor, alderman, or as a member of the planning commission should NOT have an interest in any firm that deals with property development. This includes, but is not limited to, general contractors, subcontractors, surveyors, developers, real estate agents, etc. This situation currently exists in Ocean Springs
The City should not appoint persons to any commission or unelected position that has a conflict of interest and could benefit from their role
Any elected official or appointed person should not be allowed to vote on any issue that would benefit them financially