Residential Short-Term Rentals (RSTR)

In 2015, The City adopted ordinance 2015-11 in order to control the number of RSTRs in residential areas. The reasons are set forth in the ordinance as:

In 2019, the City adopted ordinance 2019-19 to increase the maximum number of RSTRs from 35 to 50.

In 2021, the City adopted ordinance 2021-25 to increase the maximum number of RSTRs from 50 to 75.

In 2023 the city adopted 2023-07. Changes include the following:

In 2024 (Jul 2nd) the city adopted 2024-05. Changes include the following:

In 2015, 35 RSTRs was believed to be the right balance between the desire to aid and encourage tourism plus allowing owners to make such use of their property with those owners who desire peace and tranquility in their neighborhoods. What has changed since then to cause the number to triple?

What we want:

Sign the petition to stop the growth of STRs: