In 2015, The City adopted ordinance 2015-11 in order to control the number of RSTRs in residential areas. The reasons are set forth in the ordinance as:
The City has a legitimate interest in preserving its long-term housing stock and not have such limited resources depleted as there is an influx of individuals and families associated with the military, government contractors and the gaming industry seeking residential opportunities in Ocean Springs
The use of short-term rental units as a use in residential zones is considered a valuable and needed use for those desiring to engage their dwelling or condominiums to rent to guests visiting Ocean Springs in exchange for compensation and further provides for another type of short term stay opportunity similar to hotels, motels and bed and breakfast facilities and will aid and encourage tourism as well as, promote the local economy;
By requiring special use permits for the short-term rental of residential property the City of Ocean Springs will be able to balance the desire of owners to make such use of their property with those owners who desire peace and tranquility in their neighborhoods
In 2019, the City adopted ordinance 2019-19 to increase the maximum number of RSTRs from 35 to 50.
In 2021, the City adopted ordinance 2021-25 to increase the maximum number of RSTRs from 50 to 75.
In 2023 the city adopted 2023-07. Changes include the following:
Public hearings will no longer be required for RSTRs inside the Downtown Overlay District
Properties inside the Downtown Overlay District will not fall under the cap
The cap for RSTRs will be a maximum of 55 inside the Density Zone plus and an additional 60 outside the Density Zone and Downtown Overlay District for a total of 115 RSTRs plus unlimited Downtown. (See Map)
In 2024 (Jul 2nd) the city adopted 2024-05. Changes include the following:
Public hearings will no longer be required for RSTRs inside the Porter Avenue Overlay District
Properties inside the Porter Avenue Overlay District will not fall under the cap (See Map)
In 2015, 35 RSTRs was believed to be the right balance between the desire to aid and encourage tourism plus allowing owners to make such use of their property with those owners who desire peace and tranquility in their neighborhoods. What has changed since then to cause the number to triple?
What we want:
Reinstate the cap per ordinance 2021-25; maximum total number of RSTRs capped at 75
Eliminate the Density Zone, Downtown Overlay District and Porter Avenue Overlay District
Any future, modest increases in the cap would only be considered with an ordinance restricting the density of RSTRs within an area